When the winter sets in, one of the largest expenses faced by any business is the heating bill. Keeping the building comfortable requires an enormous amount of energy. Even more energy is required if every few minutes a new burst of cold air from the street enters the building through an open door.
The opposite phenomenon occurs during the summer, with the building needing to block out the heat and humidity of the summer. Revolving doors offer the perfect solution because they maintain a constant seal around the entrance -- which helps to minimize the uncomfortable air that gets into the building, while keeping more comfortable from escaping. It is estimated that as much as eight times more air is able to get into a building off the street when a swinging door is used compared to revolving doors.
The original revolving doors were first made over 100 years ago, and people quickly noted the benefits they offered by helping to keep the building comfortable while also minimizing noise and disturbances from the street. The doors first gained their popularity in cool climates, as people were concerned about keeping heat indoors. As business owners and contractors have realized the importance of energy efficiency, however, the use of revolving doors has spread to warmer climates as well. One study conducted at MIT found that if everyone used revolving doors to get in and out of a major building, that building might save up to 75,000 kilowatt-hours of energy in a climate similar to Boston.

When businesses are looking for ways to improve their energy efficiency, they should remember the importance of revolving doors. A simple change can have a large and lasting impact on the environmental footprint and the energy costs associated with the building.
Whether working with a new build or even a renovation of an existing building, a revolving door may be just the energy-efficient solution you need. If you’d like to find out more about what revolving doors can do for your business, give The Door Company a call at (614) 338-1414. We are the statewide service, sales and distribution point in Ohio for Boon Edam, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of revolving doors. Visit our website at www.thedoorcompanyofohio.com.
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